10 Easy Steps to Start Planning Your Dream Wedding

Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed about planning your dream wedding? Do you find yourself constantly worrying about how much it will cost, what date to choose, and how to bring your vision to life? If so, you're not alone, and that's why we've created these straight forward, comprehensive steps to jumpstart your wedding planning.

1. Set a Realistic Budget

  • Evaluate your financial resources and determine how much you can allocate to the wedding.

  • Create a comprehensive budget that includes all essential elements such as venue, catering, attire, decorations, and more.

  • Research average costs in your area and make adjustments to fit your budget.

2. Asses Your Priorities

  • Determine your wedding vision and style.

  • Identify your top priorities for the wedding.

  • Consider the size and scope of your desired celebration.

3. Create Your Wedding Planning Timeline

  • If you plan to hire a Full Wedding Planner, now is the time to do so and they would provide this timeline for you

  • Establish a general timeline for your wedding planning process.

  • Set target dates for key milestones such as booking venues, hiring vendors, and sending out invitations.

  • Allow flexibility for unexpected changes or delays.

4. Select the Perfect Wedding Date

  • Consider factors such as season, weather, availability of key guests, and personal significance.

  • Consult a calendar to ensure your chosen date doesn't clash with major holidays or events.

  • Be open to alternative dates if your preferred one is not available.

5. Design Your Special Day

  • Develop a cohesive design concept for your wedding, including colors, theme, and decor.

  • Explore different sources of inspiration such as wedding blogs, magazines, and social media platforms.

  • Create a mood board or visual representation of your desired aesthetic.

6. Find the Right Venue

  • Determine the type of venue that aligns with your vision and budget.

  • Research and visit potential venues to assess their suitability.

  • Consider factors like capacity, location, amenities, and flexibility in terms of decor and catering.

7. Manage Guests

  • Create a guest list and manage RSVPs.

  • Choose save-the-dates and wedding invitations that reflect your style.

  • Organize accommodations and transportation options for out-of-town guests.

8. Build Your Wedding Team

  • Identify and hire key vendors such as a Partial Wedding Planner or Day-Of Wedding Coordinator, photographer, caterer, and florist.

  • Seek recommendations, review portfolios, and conduct interviews to ensure a good fit.

  • Clearly communicate your expectations and collaborate closely with your chosen vendors.

9. Plan Your Ceremony & Reception

  • Determine the format and structure of your ceremony.

  • Select meaningful rituals, readings, and music.

  • Coordinate with your officiant and discuss any religious or cultural requirements.

  • Plan the reception details, including the seating arrangement and menu

10. Stay Organized

  • Maintain a centralized planning system, including a wedding binder, digital spreadsheets, or wedding planning apps.

  • Keep track of contracts, payments, and important deadlines.

  • Regularly communicate with your wedding team and update them on any changes or new decisions.

Planning your wedding can be a challenging yet exciting process.  To jumpstart your wedding planning and get started with your budget, date, design and decision making, checkout IDoWeDo’s digital guide, How to Start Planning A Wedding.  This guide is complete with videos and PDF workbooks to get you moving toward your dream wedding day in just 1 hour.  With this guide, you will gain the knowledge and tools necessary to start planning with confidence and ease. Remember to stay organized, communicate effectively, and enjoy the journey.